Carnelian Sphere
Carnelian Sphere
This is a very reddish orange carnelian sphere. It is 2 inches in diameter and weighs 187 grams. Carnelian is a member of the Chalcedony family. It is a silica mineral that takes its color from iron oxide. Carnelian has a hexagonal crystal system and has a vitreous luster. It comes in colors that are reddish brown. The meaning of Carnelian is energy and creativity. It comes with a carved wooden stand.
• Known as the sunset stone
• An ancient stone of fertility
• Warriors would wear Carnelian during battle
• Known for building personal power and confidence
The Sunset Stone of Carnelian was named so by the Ancient Egyptians who marveled at the collection of fiery hues simmering in shades of burnt orange and pale pink. Just like a killer sunset, the Carnelian Stone is something of a soul stirrer, ever ready to cleanse away the day and re-invigorate your strength with the promise of something new.
In ancient times, the orange Carnelian stone has taken up the mantle of many roles. The Egyptians considered the Orange Carnelian to be blessed with feminine energy and the menstrual cycle, it was a stone of fertility and linked to the power of Isis. The masculine Red Carnelian was said to be more active in its power and less about shedding the old and embracing the fiery energy of the new. It was there to stimulate love and passion. Warriors would string Carnelian around their neck to give them courage in battle.