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Ocean Jasper Dragon Skull

Ocean Jasper Dragon Skull

Regular price $116.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $116.00 USD
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This is a multi-colored Dragon Skull made of Ocean Jasper. He is 5.25 inches long and 2.1 inches wide and weighs a whopping 1lb 9.4 oz. In keeping with its symbolism, ocean jasper is said to provide calm, uplifting energy to the holder in trying times, feeding into a more optimistic outlook on life. The stone aids clearer communication, and enhances self-confidence as well as self-insight. The ore is found in a remote location on the northwest coast of Madagascar near the town of Ambolobozo. The mine is only accessible at low tide and the jasper is carried by ox- driven carts to small boats, which sail to the nearest town; from there, it is shipped to the factory. Ocean Jasper, or Orbicular Jasper, comes (almost) exclusively from Madagascar. My friends out there who have collected for more than a few years will notice that it has changed in looks over time. The reason for this is that new veins within existing mines have been exposed periodically causing waves of new ocean jasper to hit the gem market.

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